Monday, July 26, 2004

Adopting a baby!

This morning I had to pick hubby up at the shop where he left his truck for repairs so we drove on to another little town to visit a pet store. Hubby decided to grant my wish for a cockatiel for my birthday so we went to search for one.

The owner had 2 adult male tiels for sale but they were already 1 1/2 yrs old and I've heard that the younger the bird, the easier they are to train. I was feeling disappointed until the owner told me that she had a hatch of 4 chicks who were 2 to 4 days old and if I didn't mind waiting, I could have my pick of the new babies. I should be able to bring the new birdie home around the first or second week of September.

A bird's sex is not easily defined until after they've molted at around 4 to 6 months, so I plan to name my tiel a gender-neutral name and I'd like to ask my readers if they'd offer some name suggestions. So far the only ones I've thought of are E.T. and Gizzie so ya'll give me some ideas, please?

Here is a photo of a newly hatched birdie that looks like the one the owner showed me. They get prettier, I promise!

Just had to post these. The Chick loves her critters.
The lady with the Chick is Momma Kitty, I think.

,,,,,,,photos by Jerri

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