Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The Time is Now.

Several months ago I was given a general diagnosis by my doctor. The diagnosis of congestive heart failure was general because I can not afford the high fees for the tests needed for a more certain diagnosis and since I don't have health insurance, a certain diagnosis would just be added worry in any case, sort of like damned if I do and damned if I don't.

I'm asking you to read about amendment HR676 and then go to this site and sign a petition supporting the amendment. It's time to take the profit out of health care and as easy as it is to sit back and do nothing when you're feeling all safe and covered by an insurance policy, the sky-rocketing premiums for health insurance and the cost of medical care will eventually affect you as well,, as it did me.

From all I've read and researched about this amendment, the cost to the taxpayer, at the most, would be a 2% addition to taxable income. Take a pencil and piece of paper and tally up the percentage of your NET income that you are currently paying for premiums. If you are one of those fortunate enough (and there are fewer of these every day) that your company covers you in full for health insurance, consider yourself lucky because at the rate the insurance companies are raising rates, it may not last long.

Please think long and hard and then sign the petition if you find it in your interest to do so.


Special K said...

In Canada, we have our share of problems with universal health care (fairly long waits for certain diagnostic procedures like MRIs, for example), but at least no one has to fork cash out of pocket for what is an essential service. I honestly don't know why you Murricans have been putting up with this nonsense as long as you have.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us know about this. I've read and signed and will pass the info on. I am a single parent who makes a good salary, but because I work in a dangerous field, private insurers cost a ridiculous sum, and even going with insurance provided through my job costs almost $8oo a month. I dropped my plan last year and pray every day that I won't have to use the State hospital!!! Take care of yourself - I know it's well-nigh impossible, but try!

Anonymous said...

We may complain about the health service in this country especially the waiting lists but at least we really don't have to worry about how much it will cost. Health care should never depend on how much you can pay for it.

Sally said...

I read it, then signed the petition. We are truly in deep trouble here in U.S. and it's only going to get worse if something isn't done. It takes three of my four weekly paychecks to pay for health insurance. And, when I was in the hospital in March, I still ended up out of pocket around $1,400.00 - it's ridiculous!

Thank you, Ms. Brenda for bringing this to our attention. :)

Special K said...

Cindra, the question I'd posed was more rhetorical than anything. Of course you're all stuck with this nonsense because the people in charge haven't a vested interest in changing things. In fact, it's in their interests to maintain the status quo.

I dunno...maybe it's time for a righteous tax revolt. Murricans threw the Boston Tea Party, after all (no pun intened).

Ray Bridges said...

The Republicans are too busy raping the country while they send your sons and daughters to fight for oil in Iraq. Sorry to harp, but just ask Tom DeLay about a nationalized health care delivery system. Ask Bush if you're allowed to get close to him. Until the people who are getting screwed in this country wake the F*c* up and realize that Gays getting married in Massachussetts is not what's keeping them from having health care and adequate schools, It's not a "general" problem. It's a problem caused by Republicans controlling all three branches of the government.

There is no mystery here.

Joe said...

hey girl, this is a start! some thing has got to happen!

Anonymous said...

My kids all had their physicals yesterday; our 3:00 appointment ended up being a 4:00 appointment. Although I was pissed at the time, I left there knowing all three my kids were healthy and it didn't cost me a dime. When it comes to free medical care, most times it's worth the wait.

No person should have to do without medical care or testing. Money over health is a disgrace.

wanda said...

Cindra and Houston just about covered it.
Being another person without health insurance, I know all too well the cost of simple medical care, and forget about anything extensive. I try to tell myself many of our grandparents lived long and happy lives without all the fancy medical care we have these days. We can too. Right?

Holly said...

I am eternally thankful for the level of health coverage we are lucky enough to receive as a military family. Dental as well.

But I know full well the problems of not having insurance, because I've been there as well. I had to deal with Medicaid with my first 2 children and 3 years with no medical coverage after that. Even though I was young and reasonably healthy, it only took one minor illness to wipe out the checking account and ask friends and family for help.

No one should have to choose between food for a week and a damned prescription needed to SUSTAIN LIFE.

I'm signing the petition.

Anonymous said...

At times like this, I feel sooooooo lucky to be living in Blighty, were healthcare is free for everyone, regardless of insurance.

It sickens me to think that companies are profitting out of peoples health requirements.

Over here, we hear lot's of stories coming out of the U.S about people, people who are dying, being refused emergency care due to lack of insurance. It's a disgrace.

Healthcare should never be provisioned on the basis of ability to pay.

me said...

I'll sure come back after work and read up on this. Something has to get done!

David said...

Consider it done. I agree that our health care situation is totally out of hand but it is NOT a Republican lead problem. Congressional leaders on both sides have ignored it for too long.

Anonymous said...

Totally in agreement Brenda. We buy our own health insurance and while we do get reimbursed from Mr. AP's work, we still deal with insurance issues all the time. I'm currently dealing with it right now. GRRRR! I'm all for public health care.


Joan said...


I read so many blogs where people in the States put themselves at such risk because they don't have the funds for insurance. Also a lot of them that do have insurance have to put money up front before they see the doctor and get reimbursed later. I find this a horrible way for the gov. to treat its people. Don't wave the flag for a day...see what happens!!

Good luck on your petition, I wish I could sign it.


Rusty said...

With you 100% on this Brenda. Things need to change for the better as opposed to the worse like they have been as of late

Pisser said...

Will do, Miss Bren...so sorry to hear, but for what it's worth, my uncle shares this diagnosis and he's still around. And I must say you look a damn sight better than he does ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh,how the beurokrats live. We have some very good example here in Manitoba, our previous premier's wife had breast cancer; whell, would you believe, everything in the medicare system has changed sence then. There was money for the newest technology equipment to detect early stage of carcinoma of breast.This is just one example how the system works. If it hits home, rules and regulations change so fast. I wish I can help with the petiton to make the difference.
All I can say, you do what ever you have to do to get to the bottom of the problen and take care of it. If you don't, nobody else will. You are to young to fall in the gap of the system
and be the victim of the hot heads theory that is trying to brain wash millions of Muricans of their rights to demonstrate the good life in America, isn't that what America stand's for???There is whole lots about America that world doesn't know about.