Thursday, December 02, 2004

I'm P.D.P.

That's "Pretty Damned Plastered" in Brenda talk, but I thought I'd post a little tonight before I fall into a coma a few minutes from now.

I had a fantastic time during my visit with Tine and Ed. They took Soony and I to a wonderful restaurant with such succulent mussels that I was nearly embarrassed because I had so much to eat! (I say nearly because they were that good that I couldn't stop eating them even after was completely full). There is no host and hostess in the whole south with more hospitality than Tine and Ed are graced with. The afternoon was so nice that I was sad to see it end. Their house is so beautiful and comfortable and we were made to feel so welcome!! I hope to see Tine again next week so I can take her to lunch and we'll have another visit before I have to return home. We hope to have time to do some shopping as well. I am very much looking forward to this!

This evening I met Danielle's (Soony's) husband-to-be for the first time since he was in the U.S. on business until today. I also met his mother, father, and brother. Yesterday I met his sister and I have to admit, I think Soony is marrying into a fine family.

I do hope that Erik's mother will still speak to me tomorrow after as much wine as I had tonight and also talked her into drinking with me. (grin).

Danielle gave me a wonderful gift this evening from Sinta Claus, a photo book of many of the photos that I had thought I'd lost forever in the fire. I have spent the whole evening with tears because this book is the most perfect gift in the world to me. I'll be forever thankful and grateful for the thought and love that went into this gift. Thank you Danielle and Erik!!

The last news of the evening came to me during a phone call to my husband and Zach, Zach misses me, but I also miss Zach! I miss my whole family!! I also got the news tonight that I'm to be a Nanny once again. Jeri and Bubbie found out today that there will be a new brother or sister for the Chickie in about 8 months!

Tell me, could anyone have had a better day than this has been?

Just a smilin!!
Hugs all round!

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