Wednesday, April 23, 2008

You know a boy lives in the household when,

You nearly pee your pants when you get up in the morning, you're still mostly asleep, and you end up doing a dance to avoid stepping on one of the TWO toads that were turned loose in your house by person, or persons, unknown.

That fella above was hiding in the potting soil when I was repotting a geranium. I think we both peed our pants during that little incident.


Donna said...

OhMyOhMyOhMy....LOLOL...OhMy...LOLOL...I'd be dancing, girl!!!LOLhughugs

Anonymous said...

Nearly? Honey, there would have been a puddle for sure at my house. And lots of noise, too.

Brenda said...

When I danced it sounded like an elephant was performing here.

Sally said...

hahahaha - never a dull moment at your house, Ms. Brenda. I'm sure my mom felt the same way the morning she opened the fridge, and a big old frog was sittin' there like he was starin' at her. That was the morning after I'd been frog gigging with friends. :)

Brenda said...

Ha! A frog in the fridge would do me in!

Loretta said...

I am sure that "all most" would have been a done deal. When I get that close there just isn't no stoping it!!

Anonymous said...

That would be the end of gardening for me - the day I ran into one of these fellows. I feel the same way about slugs, too.
