After years of hurt feelings and appliances, I came to the conclusion that the man I married will never know, or take time to care, about buying gifts for me. He doesn't know my sizes, favorite colors, or likes and dislikes and after almost 35 years I don't think he's gonna learn. Soooo,,I've taken it upon myself to make sure I get something for Christmas this year that I really want. I found my second( I decided to wait till he buys another major purchase hunting item to hit him up for the Canon SLR that was my first) choice of digital camera and used some of my own money to put it in the lay-a-way. I then gave him the lay-a-way slip and told him when he had to get it out.
Now I'm gonna be waiting impatiently like a worm in hot ashes for Christmas to get here so I can get my hands on it.
The all-seeing Santa knows I've been good even if someone else, who I won't mention by name but who's nickname is asshole, doesn't think so.

Well I know you've been good and you deserve whatever your heart desires (or whatever your pocketbook can afford).
If 'he' fails to come through for you (a gentle reminder might be in store every week or so between now and Christmas) just let me know. I'll take up donations to see that you get that special gift!!
I'll pitch in!
I'm just trying to avoid paying the whole price myself ya'll. I thought a payoff receipt would be the best hint. (grin)
Well that is one way to do it LOL. I have had a rule from Christmas one - nothing for the kitchen for Christmas.
But this year I don't know - she wants a new wedding ring. What is wrong with the one she has - it is still functional after 35 years.
Men - what would women do without us?
That's the best way I've heard to be sure you get exactly what you want. Sometimes men need a knock in the head to hear you, I think.
Now THAT is the way to go about it. You know what kills me about my hubby. I will see this or that I like and he is always like that is "cheap" or if I am going to buy it I am going to spend such and such. Why is he complaining...why can't he just get me what I want and shut up about it!! Men!
Good for you! Make him wrap it too. :)
"Plant your own garden instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers."
Line from a poem I like.
Now, Brenda, pick yourself out a couple of nice lenses to go with that new camera. Oh, and a 2GB card, and a case, and . . .
Holy crap Brenda that's an awesome camera! Good on ya!
Do whatever you need to get the job done, I always say. And I think you did!!
One year, a looong time ago when I was young and stupid, my ex asked what I wanted for Cheistmas. Because I was young and stupid, I replied, "Oh, nothing." Anybody with any sense knows that means GET ME SOMETHING GOOD! Guess what I got? NOTHING! Now I mark pages in catalogs and hand them to my current husband, and I ALWAYS get what I want. We'll look forward to seeing all the beautiful pics you take with your new camera!
Oooops! I Do know how to spell "Christmas!"
w00t!!! What a SUPERB camera, Brenda!!! You deserve to treat yourself!
It squirts water too, right?
YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHYOOOOOOOOOOO awesome camera. I can't wait to see the first pictures :)))) three more weeks to go :)
i do something similar for my husband. after years of painfully bad gifts i either pick it out and give him a picture, with order numbers and apporximate price, or just buy it myself.
i'm much happier that way, and he's less stressed out trying to figure out what i want.
seriously, it doesn't take a brain surgeon. i like pretty things that are purple. dog and bird things. i like books, and things that smell good. and i like cameras and computer equipment.
there are whole damned stores devoted to each of those items! it shouldn't be that freaking difficult!
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