Now, to you and I, this may be a dead bug on an old, previously tossed out, bath brush, but to the Chick this is a Bugaboo and Bugaboo is sleeping. In fact, the ailing Bugaboo even had to take a nap in Nanaw's bed so he might feel better and eventually wake up. Alas, I fear that this Bugaboo is already with his Maker due to the petrified appearance of his remains, but in dealing with the imaginative mind of a 2 yr. old it's best not to mention the words "Heaven" or "funeral" concerning his state of being because she wasn't having any of it,,we tried that route. The Chick stayed busy for most of the afternoon cuddling and cooing to the brush nestled dead insect until Jerri was finally able to convince her that he needed a lot more rest and set him atop Ya-Ya's cage. He remains there still although the child has checked on him off and on. We're hoping she'll forget him so that Nanaw can send him off to bug Heaven.

We had the excellent news this week that Miss Jordan had ALL A's on her report card!! Her teacher wrote this note, "Jordan's excellent work is a reflection of her fine attitude and effort."
You know that makes a Nanny proud!!
Yay! I'm first!
Are you sure the bug was dead?
I used to love keeping spiders as pets when I was little. My mother was constantly screaming throughout my younger years as a result.
I thought they were lovely. Bugs just didn't do anything for me.
That poor bug is not only dead, but rigor mortis has petrified him.
yes the bug is totally dead! matterafactly he has been dead for several months at least. Alexis got this bath brush from the trash at my moms thrift store and tucked it behind her daddys truck seat at the beginning of summer and found it yesterday!
Way to go, Jordan!
A Bugaboo, huh? That's a new one. Dylan just thinks bugs are for stepping on. I agree.
Great job, Jordan, woohoo, we are all PROUD of you!!!!!!!!!
Now, that oldest chick is something else. Could you maybe cut out the thing, or, would she notice? Course, she would!! Shame on me!!
yay on the good grades!!
Don't go gettin' her a replacement bug from the bug store. She'll know. They always do. ; )
And good for Jordan! She ought to be proud of herself. :)
Maybe we should start sending the buggy brush to each other like the Monkey Nut. It's probably never been out of the state!
Start sending the buggy brush to each other!!!! Oh dear gawd.
UH, WELL, I will gladly tote Mr. Nut around, but I'll be damned if I'll lug around a dirty bathbrush with a dead bug on it and take pictures!! THey would REALLY lock me up then!!!
That is awesome about Jordan. Not only the great grades but the great attitude as well. She not only has brains but beauty too. Congrats on an amazing grandaughter!!
One can't help but wonder why we spend so much money on toys when an old bath brush and a dead bug will entertain a two year old for hours.
So maybe the Chickie is going to be a Vet/Doctor. Maybe she'll work her way through medical school pole dancing!
I love the bug story. If you're real lucky, she'll forget about him. But I sure wouldn't count on it.
Thanks for all the kid stories. I really enjoy them all.
:D awww bless her heart, poor bugaboo
LOL! Nana suppose to fix it! Great pics girl!
freaking hilarious about the bugaboo. zoe is afraid of bugs usually, although now that she sees them regularly on dora she is less afraid and will talk to them. usually about something having to do with dora "hi babybuggabugga you see dora?"
and your chore question... how do we get them to do chores. a combination of rewards and punishment interspersed with yelling, shame, and jumping up and down. oh yeah, and grounding.
Has she forgotten yet?
Congrats Miss Jordan, your a smart and beautiful girl
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