This requires more use of the brain cells that would really prefer to stay in hibernation. All because of all the extra BS that I must wade through to get down to the brass tacks part of these durn returns.
LA's nonresident returns are 6 pages long with 18 pages of instructions. Then you have to attach everydurnthing but a sample of your toilet paper to their danged returns. They give me a headache really quick.
Like I really need something MORE to cause headaches around here (ya'll remember that I'm trying to quit smoking; I'm down to less than a third of what I was smoking by the way; and I'm taking Chantix which has been trying out a few of it's side effects on my system.)
Anyway, I'm still here, I'm still breathing (and much better too), and except for a little cussing going on around here, I'm fine.
I have been trying to take enough breaks to keep up with what y'all have been up to, so y'all better be good or I'll know! :-)
Hopefully I'll have some stories to tell once I come in for a landing.
I'm so glad that my taxes are done!
Congrats on being able to cut back on your smoking and Good Luck for continued success with your goal.
Okay, I feel better now. ole joanie balonie was getting a little worried.
I feel your pain.lol We were having storms tonight so I unpluged this thing and got some housework done. Then I gathered my strenght and worked on tax's. I still have to pull it all together but they aren't getting my money till the very last minute anyway!!
I knew you Must be really busy right now! I got all our tax stuff sent over to our CPA in February...got some change back. I wish we'd just go to the Fair Tax! Pay as you consume..that way EVERYONE would pay tax...even hookers...Hahaaaa...WHAT??!!! Well, they would! Even Illegals! Everyone!
Hang in there sweetie! Well be here when the smoke clears! Congratulations on the reduction of those...sticks!hughugs
Awwww, I feel for you Ms Brenda. Hang in there!! It'll be over soon. (hugs)
Hookers don't pay taxes? hmmmmm hahahaha
Ha Ha I love that first picture. I've seen that before and it always cracks me up! We are paying this year so I'll be mailing a check on April 15th at 11:59 pm!
I second what Donna in Texas says! The Fair Tax is the way to go for federal and state taxes. The stupid politician have made things WAY too complicated! Grrrrr!!!!!!
Well nice to know that you've just been having soooo much fun doing income tax returns!! hehe Aren't they a royal pain in the behind, they seem to make them harder and harder and understand every year!
Good for you for trying to quit smoking...I know it's not easy but at least you're trying:-) xoxo
Boy you're one brave lady, cutting back on the smoking during tax time. Good for you for hanging in on both. We file EZ so as soon as we get our W-2s it's off with them so we can get to refunds.
Sally? Hookers? LOL
Oh, Brenda I feel for you. I've never been a tax guru. I do the TaxCut thingy. My ex HAD to have ours done by H & R Block. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to sleep.
I'm leaving with a visual of a one legged kick boxer BWHAAAAA!
I will use the "busy as a one-legged kick boxer" - that sounds about like I have been lately. When I don'e have time to get on the computer, I'm just too busy. :) I'm a bit surprised that LA doesn't require a sample of the respondee's toilet tissue. :) ec
I can SO relate to how hard it is to quit smoking. I tried zillions of times but always went back. Finally, about ten years ago, when diagnosed with asthma, doc threatened me and I ended up finally quitting, but I was addicted to the stupid nicotine gum for EVAH!!! Hey, at least it wasn't smoke....what's a little nicotine?? Honestly, it was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life....to quit smoking. To this day, I still want one....with my coffee....after dinner....well, Good Luck to you, my friend!
breathing is good, miss brenda!!!!! keep it up! :)
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