Sunday, November 02, 2003

A Long Day

When I first woke up yesterday I got my coffee and logged onto my computer to change my blog colors. A short time later, Zach was awake and wanting food, then hubby called and told me to bring him down to him on the farm. After I rushed around getting him dressed in some old clothes and packing him a lunch, I drove that 20 miles, dropped him off then turned around and drove to West Helena to do the banking and grocery shopping.

I ran into Jerri, Bubbie and Chickie at the grocery and they asked me if the Chick could come play with me a few hours while they cleaned carpets. I told them to give me time to get my grocerys home and unloaded and to run the vacuum over the floor before they brought her.

I was putting away the last grocery items and had put a chicken in the pot to boil for a supper soup when the Chick arrived. Then the afternoon of play began. Chickie only slept a total of 40 minutes all afternoon so we played really hard.

When they came to fetch the baby, they stayed for supper, then decided to stay and watch the Arkansas, Kentucky game on tv.

This Nanny did not have much more than a few minutes to herself all day.

Oh, but we did get this pic of the Chickie that we've been trying to get for weeks! I've been calling her the little jack-o-lantern!

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