Sunday, October 05, 2008

Mostly Quiet Weekend

Zach decided to go home with his Mom after school on Friday because they were going to a weenie roast. This was fine with me, but he left his room in it's usual mess and I told him it had to be cleaned when he got home. He got home about 3 this afternoon.

He's still in his room.

His room is still not clean.

We've been fighting already since 3:00 pm, I've screamed, he's screamed.

If his room isn't cleaned tonight by bed time, I'm going in there tomorrow and taking out his TV, his play station, his game cube, and taking away his laptop.

Things are going to have to improve around here if I'm going to retain even a smidgen of my sanity.

My very soul is tired dammit.


moma grits said...

you go nanaw! I think snagging away his fave things is a great idea to show him you are serious! Exactly why I locked the door to the playroom here! Now when I say pick up the girls do because they know it will either go into the locked room or in the trash!

Anonymous said...

I think you should stick to your guns.

and hang in there!

bichonpawz said...

Sounds to me like you are doing all the right things. He'll get the message. Usually not the first time....but eventually they get it! Hang in there and have a margarita!

Brent said...

It seems you are bumping your head against the same wall that I am with my boys. If I don't pay them to do something it doesn't get done. That is going to change very quickly!!

Loretta said...

Kids!! My daughters step daughter (age 13) would NOT clean her room. They took everything from her but her bed and clothes and she couldn't go anywhere. She still would not clean it. It went on like that for over six weeks before she cleaned the floor. Slowly she got her stuff back but it still stays a mess. It didn't seem to bother her much, I would have went nuts!! Hopefully your guy won't be so hard

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed, you do have to let them know you mean business. It's not fun for you, either, I know.

Virginia Gal said...

Stay strong in this resolve!!

Karen M said...

Good plan and good luck. Stick to your guns or he'll never learn. It's hard to stay with it long enough to really make an impression, but worth it in the long run.

Cindra said...

I won a few battles when it came to the clean room issue, but I lost the war. I am not the neatest person in the world, so it is hard for me to expect from others what I do not show myself. Keep working at it... good luck!
Sometimes I think it is their own little way of rebelling. Don't let it work you up so bad. I think I would talk to him about silver fish and spiders loving that type of room and how spiders can climb down your nostils at night .... you know... icky stuff.

Donna said...

I use to use my "screaming" Never works...they get to where they don't "hear" it anymore. I Never scream anymore...ever...I just use my "firm" voice...and IT worked wonders...I took my Power back...Loving you sweetie!!!hughugs

Carole Burant said...

Sometimes "tough love" is the only way to go. Steve is having a hard time with his two kids not wanting to do anything to help around the house (the girl is 15 and boy is 11) and he's at the end of his rope too. I told him to take away their computer time, games, tv, etc. until they do what he asks. I did that to my boys when they were younger and I only had to do it once! lol xoxo

Mary Lou said...

Maybe you could threaten him with a move back to his MOM's house. I went into my kids room and gathered up eveything that was not put away and piled it all into a garbage bag and told them I threw them out. Rooms stayed clean from then on.

Louise said...

Who's soul wouldn't be tired, and I'm glad you only had to take half of his stuff. I'm glad for YOUR sake, not his sake!