Thursday, September 01, 2005

We're a little slow down here but finally,,,,,

Memphis is finally waking up and beginning to do their part although Memphis Mayor Willie Herenton states that the Pyramid (known locally as the Tomb of Doom), which until recently, sat empty, can't be used to house evacuees due to the fact that Hollywood, to the tune of 6 million bucks, has leased it to make a movie. The old Mid-South Coliseum, where they plan to house them for a short time, is booked for shows later this month. They can't miss out on making a buck ya know.

And I'm proud as punch that our little county is doing what it can to help the folks that have wandered across the river here. I am much relieved that our southern hospitality isn't a failure after all.


Anonymous said...

Things like this bring out both the best and the worst in people. We have a lot of evacuees over here, and people are really contributing to the relief effort. I just can't believe that there wasn't some sort of plan in place for this kind of thing. Did they just figure out New Orleans was in a bowl?

David said...

That sucks big time - Hollywood can wait. Shows can be rescheduled. We need to take care of people.

Sally said...

I'm astounded at the outpouring of people wanting to help yet still frustrated and angry that lives were lost unnecessarily. Why didn't they have a plan? It is beyond comprehension! I still don't understand either how the media can be down there taking pictures and being on television - why couldn't the Red Cross, Salvation Army get in the way they did? Blows my mind!! Lord help them all.

me said...

Those Hollywood people should be leasing it FOR the evacuees, for pete's sake! 6 million bucks probably doesn't mean spit to some of those folks.

Good for your county, Brenda. I haven't heard of anyone making it as far north as we are, but I know that at the very least there are some disaster aid funds heading south from here.

Mary Lou said...

I can not imagine living in an arena side by side with strangers for MONTHS!!! oh MY!!

Phyllis said...

OMG I just read your blog on guard bird!! Too funny!!

wanda said...

You Arkansas folks are known for you generosity. After all you gave us Clinton!!
Now remember I'm one of the MANY who thinks that was a GOOD thing!! ;-)

Brenda said...

LOL, I didn't vote for Clinton Miz Wanda, don't give me any credit. (grin)

Anonymous said...

That's great that your county helps out so well.