Southern Magnolia bloom.

Acorn gathering squirrel.

Pansies remind me of chubby cheeked little children. Aren't these pretty?

"Maybe if I'm still, she won't see me."
Zach and I rode around campus taking pictures the other day before his Tae Kwon Do class.
Nice pictures. l can't tell if the squirrel has something in his mouth. Around here, it seems like they always do. I was without my computer for a week and thought I'd go mad.
Have a great weekend. And try not to work too hard.
Brenda - I am so sorry to hear about the school situation with Zach. It seems like you are doing everything in your power and the school is not helping; that is ridiculous!
I wonder if perhaps in the more challenging classes for Zach, they couldn't put him with similar students? I imagine that part of his frustration is when he feels like everyone else is getting it and you are not. I don't have ADHD, but I get that way.
You are beyond kind to do all of this...
Ah, the pansies - so beautiful!! :)
Blooms and Critters make great photos!!! Have a good weekend, Brenda!!
How Wonderful!! I saw these and screamed at Hubby, "Rev up the damn car buster, we're going picture hunting"!!LOLOL..."What 'cha gonna do, pay 'em to stand still"???LOL...I said, "No, dork, it's called The Zoo...they're held captive over there"!!.LOL.....
Seriously though, the pictures are wonderful and your Header is great! Happy day sweetie!!hughugs
VERY nice pictures! I like the squirrel the best.
Yes, it got a little wind last night. I just came in from picking up downed tree branches. Luckily that was the extent of our damage. Not so in Parkersburg, Iowa. Half the town was destroyed, 8 dead. It's so tragic.
What great pictures. Love the squirrels and I agree with you about pansies they do look like little faces. We've had two days of nonstop rain here and although it's now stopped, it clearly hasn't gone away! The wind was howling around all that time, but at least that's slowed down a bit now.
I love how you changed your blog template and love the pictures! Purple is such a pretty color!! Have a good day;o)
Love the squirrel pictures!
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