They say some days it doesn't pay to get outta the bed and I think today might have been one of those (and it's only half over). I believe my nerves are still strung out from that 3 and 1/2 hour homework marathon yesterday and they're getting all wound up in anticipation for what might be in store for today when the bus runs. It wasn't soothing after sitting on top of the terrorist for all that time for him to ask me if
WE were all done with homework either.
I had to make a run into town this morning to pick up a
few things so I took a quick bath, ran my fingers through my hair, went on bare feet to the truck (cause I'd left my danged sandals in there the other day), and was off to do the dreaded chore. When I backed out of the drive I noticed that I had forgotten to get the mail out of the box yesterday so I stopped and jumped out of the truck to get it, and watched my truck go past me. Yep, I'm sure there was a 1/2 second look of confusion on my face then I realized I hadn't put it in park when I stopped. I had to run a little to catch it but it's a damn good thing it doesn't go fast without me being behind the wheel or it could have wandered off to who knows where.
My first stop was supposed to be at Sears for laundry detergent but I forgot, so my first stop was at the dreaded Wal Mart where I went in for the
few things that ended up costing almost as much as our mortgage payment. I finally got the
few items crammed into the back seat and the bed of my truck, looked around to see where the closest cart thingy was and it was too danged far, so I parked the cart, out of the way, in front of my parking spot. There was noone parked in the spot in front of my truck so after I'd gotten in the truck I pulled forward,,,and ran into the damned shopping cart that I'd just parked there. I remembered to put the truck in park before I climbed out to see if I'd damaged anything. There were no dents or scratches on truck or cart so I moved the cart in front of the next car over to let them run over the damned thing.
On the way I home I remembered to stop at Sears to get the laundry detergent. A nice man asked me if he could help as soon as I walked in the door and I told him what I needed and politely asked him if he could put it in my
truck.He told me he sure could so while he went to put the detergent in my
truck, I went to pay Dana for it so's they wouldn't put anything else on my overloaded Sears card.
I have never, ever, checked behind these Sears folks to see if my purchases have been loaded, I know the folks, it's just a tiny store, and they know me, but today something made me look in the back of the truck to make sure the detergent was in there. It wasn't. I opened the doors on the truck to see if he'd put it inside. He hadn't. I looked around the parking lot to see if he'd been confused as to which truck I was driving. He wasn't, because mine was the only danged truck parked out there. So I went back inside to ask the guy just where the truck was that he'd loaded my detergent into. He'd put it into the car sitting next to my truck.
I'm finally home now, back in my pjs, and not looking forward to seeing what sort of homework
WE will have today. Good thing it's not Monday huh?