Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I Did It

I'm starting another blog, it's an informational, learning, I'll tell you what I've learned and you tell me what you've learned, type of blog, about photography. I'm going to try to post information that I come across on different sites, and other stuff that I've learned, all on my own, by numerous trials and more than a few errors.

I'd also love it if other folks would send me their photography tips to post there. If you know it and you tell me, then I can put it there, and hopefully from there, the word will spread and more and more folks will know it.

Then we'll all be learning something new and I like learning new stuff!

So, how about it, what do you think of the idea?

Ready to learn with me?


Donna said...

I like, I like!!!!!!

Sally said...

Yes, you did!! Good job!!

Karen M said...

Great idea! You go girl!!

Virginia Gal said...

Great idea, but you will continue to post on this blog as well?

ps - I saw Zac's hummingbird photos - just amazing! I think he has a real talent for photography!

Amanda said...

Hi Brenda,
I got asked by Tegan if i would like to host the next photo~challenge. I would love to!
Amanda xx

Donna said...

OhBoyOhBoyOhBoy!!! I'm LOVING the Idea!!!! Now I'll learn the SECRET of your Beautiful pictures!!!Hahahaha.....Going over to look NOW!! Love You!hughugs

Attila the Mom said...

I'll certainly read, but I'm an awful photographer! LOL

Joni said...

Great idea! I don't know how you find the time to do all that you do!


Crystal said...

Wonderful idea Brenda! I find the more I go to the races to snap pics of T racing I find myself getting more involved on the tech stuff of how to work the camera and the lense. Of coarse it's mom's camera but at least when I use it i'll know what i'm doing and how to get the best shot possible! 2 thumbs up on the new blog!!!

Anonymous said...

Alright! I'm excited! I could use learning a few new things, plus I may come up with a tip or two.