Monday, May 11, 2009

Where's the Sun?

Road washouts

Flooded fields (there's a farmer's soybeans or corn planted under that water)

Even some of the highways are flooded.

It's just been dreary and nasty around here. Brings your spirits right on down.

Krysten gave us a scare Saturday night. She came down with the same stomach bug that's been going through the ranks and a sudden fever spike caused a febrile seizure. The emergency room doc said it's a common occurrence but I told him it's hardly common for us if you've got 3 children and 8 grandchildren and this is the first occurrence of it that you've seen. Jami was scared to death! Nanaw wasn't there when it happened but was nervous just hearing about it at the emergency room.

I'm tired.


Phyllis said...

Yikes, sorry Krysten got sick! Is she okay now? How old is she?
Man, your weather looks like ours!

Karen M said...

I can relate to you on the weather and the TIRED.

I am grateful Kristi is okay now. Sickness is not fun for the patient or those around.

Sally said...

I'm sorry to hear all this, Brenda. I hope everything is better soon for you and everyone.
Seizures are very frightening!!

Jeanette said...

Aww hope Krysten is better now! It's damn scary seeing something like that! Hope the sun is shining for you today!

Debbie said...

Normal. I hate it when they do that. WTH? Terrified is more like it.

I feel so sorry for anyone with so much water. Been there. Will pray for sun to dry it up!!

Joan said...

Same thing happened to my nephew when he was young...he was playing with his cousins, and he came over and said he didn't feel good. Ten minutes later his fever spiked and he went into convulsions...yes that is very scary, we were also told it is also common. He was fine the next day.

Donna said...

GoodNESS! What a Fright that must have been sweetheart!! Hope she's feeling better now!
Those roads are Awful!! Can you get in and out??? Hang in there dear one!! I'm sending the Sun your way!!!hughugs

Donna said...

Bless your heart! What a scare with Krysten. And those flooded scenes are frightful too!

Carole Burant said...

Oh dear, I do hope Krysten is ok now? As you say, doctors may call something like that "common" but it's not common to us if it's the first time it happens!!!!

Dreary weather does tend to bring down the spirits for sure. You have had more than your fair share of rain already so I do hope you soon get that sun shining again!!! xoxo

Cindra said...

The weather is enough to make anyone tired. We've got more rain today. Like you, we can't get our crops in. I am having trouble keeping my eyes open! Get your hip boots on Miz Brenda... doesn't look like its drying up any time soon.

Hope your sweetie is feeling better.

bichonpawz said...

I would have terrified too! Normal??? Are they crazy?? Sure hope she's ok now!! The flooded roads are amazing. When we were in Florida it was the total VERY dry and even the palm trees were lookin' pretty frail...and dried out. Hope you get some sun soon girlfriend!!

Jeanne said...

Wow Brenda this all looks like some nasty stuff. Hope it gets better real soon. Does this mean the crops are lost? What a scare with Krysten! Hope she's all better.

Virginia Gal said...

oh I hope she feels better - be safe with those flooded roads, we hear such scary stories on the tv.

Maria said...

Too much water. That#S not good :(