That's all he knows. He knows how to make a cotton crop, or a soybean crop, or a rice, corn, or milo crop. He can keep the equipment running; keep the farm hands busy doing their jobs; keep the day to day operations of a farm going. He's never been late, never missed a day of working from "can to can't" that he was supposed to work unless he was too ill or too injured to walk. And he's never asked a man working under him to do a job that he wasn't right there doing it with him.
Today the farm owner decided he is done. He's shutting down the numerous farms and selling everything. He's selling most of his other businesses too. This decision is putting a big hunk of the work force population of this county out of work and it's really, really bad news because the economy was crappy in this county even before it was crappy everywhere else in America. This man probably paid the only fair wages to be found around here.
My husband is almost 57 and he's now trying to figure out where he's going to find a job come January or February that will pay him enough to pay our bills.
My health problems are such that I'm doubting my ability to pass a physical, but I've printed out my resume so I can go tomorrow to begin a job search.
We've been down before but not with the debt that we have now from the loss of our home to a fire 6 years ago. We're going to make it, but I sure am feeling sick to my stomach right now.
Hell, I just thought last week was bad.
*HUGS* Brenda I'm so so sorry that you all are going through this right now. My dad was in his 50s when the mine shut down and he had to start looking for work. I understand what you are going through. Please let me know if you guys need anything and I will try my best to help.
Count me in too!!!! Oh Brenda!! I'm SO Sorry!! It's Awful all around and getting worse...Know that I'm here for you!!!!! You Better know it!!! Love to you!!!hughugs
Oh, Brenda. I'm feeling sick to my stomach reading about it.
I'm here for you, too. I remember how we felt when Dennis lost his job.
Please know that I will be thinking of you.
I am so sorry all this is happening to you and hubby.
I will say a prayer in your name and send it your way.
Take care
Oh my Lord - I'm so very sorry Ms. Brenda. This is just terrible. I will keep you all in my prayers that something good will come from this. Love you very much. Hang in there. ((HUGS))
Oh Brenda, I'm so sorry to hear this. I can well imagine what an awful feeling it must be, knowing that your hubby won't have a job come the new year...hopefully he will be able to find something else. My prayers are with you! xoxo
Ms. Brenda I am so sorry to hear about that for your family. I will send a prayer for you. I may be wrong but I think that we are in the last days here. If we hang on to the Lord and give him all our problems we will surely make it. May the Lord Bless your family with good things to come.
I am feeling sick to my stomach reading your post this morning. My heart goes out to you. I will be praying mightily that you can both find employement quickly and can weather this storm. You CAN do it. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. God bless you and your family.
I'm so sorry to hear your news. I'll keep a good thought for you that something turns up for you very soon.
I'm so sorry to hear that news. Seems like things just keep getting worse and worse in this country. I'm from Michigan and we are worried sick about the auto companies right now. Things are pretty bad here and if any of them folds, well...I can't even think about what that would do to our economy. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband that you find employment sooner than later.
I am so sorry this happened to you. Hopefully, everything will turn out just fine.
I was laid off last November along with lots of other folks from the fortune 100 company I worked for. Some are still out of work, but most have found new jobs. This giant lay off seems to hit everywhere.
Our prayers and best wishes to you and your family.
Hang in there!!
Ohhh Brenda, now I see what you meant. That really stinks. I wish I could come over and give you a hug.
I just hope things will take a turn for the good real soon. I will be thinking of you.
Hi Brenda,
I am so sorry about this. I know how bad it is all over the country. I will keep you and your husband in my prayers. Sending you lots of hugs...........
Damn! Sorry, but that was gut kick. Will someone buy the farms? I feel sick, so I can't imagine how you feel. You are all in my prayers. I'm praying for an answer. Hope one comes your way soon.
I am sick to my stomach, too. I don't know what to say except that I will pray about this. I don't even know how you feel about that, but I'm sending good thoughts your way anyway.
I've been thinking about you and your family a lot since yesterday. I just hope things work out well.
This kind of trouble just doesn't seem fair.
Brenda...I am so sorry this has happened to you. You're in my thoughts.
OH SHIT!!! Can you put Zack to work? He must be able to do SOMETHING?
What a rotten time to have this happen!
I wish there was something that I could do. You and James can retire and move your house up here and live off the land with me. The guys can hunt and fish to put food on the table and we will find something that will keep the bills paid. We can become hilly billies together.lol
I love you. I know you won't have a problem getting a job, since everyone down there knows you. I've still not gotten back to work full time. I do what I can. I'm just praying I win the lottery. Then none of us will have to worry.
I'll take care of you. ok?
Love you,
i'm so sorry brenda..... i will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers....
Oh geez, Brenda. I'm so sorry this has happened.
I'm thinking about you.
A friend and her hubby is/will be suffering from the shutdown/lay off/downsizing of the Chrysler plant in Fenton, MO. He worked there for years plus years plus years, that's all he EVER did, and was hoping to retire from there, sit back with his wife and growi old together.
He never did anything else, went to work there out of high school, just tightened some bolts on a vehicle part, made damn good money, had all the benefits and of course the 401K. They were building up their "nest egg" pretty damn good, no kids, car payment, mortgage, etc. Then he gets THE NEWS, a severance package deal, but still not what he was bringing home, unemployment only going so far and nothing to actually add to the "nest egg" now. Plus the fact, she (his wife/my friend) just found out she is diabetic and will have to endure the insulin shots, medications, etc.
It seems with the economy like it is, banks forced to shut down, foreclosures out he kazoo and so many companies just going tits up... we all are hurting, just some of us more than others.
When you've taken the last bit of everything and put it into everything, you simply don't have anything left to do anything with. But remember... there is always someone worse off than yourself. It might not seem that way right now, but there is.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and I know there will be light at the end of the tunnel for y'all. Just keep smiling and keep our chin up Brenda, we're all rooting for you. ((hugs))
Brenda, I just read of your loss. It will be hard for you, I know, and I hope God finds your family the funds you need and gets you back on track.
Dean is still trying to find a job to help our finances, but at 84, he is called too old. He can work circles around many others and is knowledgeable to the point of being very smart and capable.
There I go, dumping my troubles on you. Not fair.
I do hope all works out and I will watch to see how you do.
God does care.
Betty G
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