I'm one of those tree-hugging, let nature take it's course, nature trail types, who believes wild flowers have their place in the ecosystem and you should leave well enough alone. I only believe in using chemicals when those ugly green worms (shudder) get on the tomato plants or other buggy critters begin snacking on the leaves and then I feel only a dusting of sevin should be necessary for a quick and painless critter demise. Hubby, on the other hand, with his farming expertise, and general ideas that more is better, is lethal with his pruning shears and handy, dandy, chemical sprayer. This difference of opinion about the ways to handle nature has caused much controversy in our household over the years. The man would even prune a weeping willow tree, I swear.
His latest lawn expert screw-up has resulted in this:

He was trying to kill some sand briars that he should have sprayed back a couple of months ago if he'd gotten around to it. He thought he had one type of chemical in the sprayer but added some stuff from an unmarked jug which ended up making the grass look as though it has the mange!
The roses have suspicious crispy fried blooms also, but he swears he had nothing to do with that. (It couldn't have been that there was a gale force wind going on the day he was wandering around with the chemical sprayer either, huh?)
I'm really considering hiding some stuff around here. I think I'll start with the tv remote,,,,,,,
Yay - I'm first!!
This is hilarious...isn't it in your state that you have a statue of a boil weevil, or is that Alabama?
Ha! They have a boll weevil eradication program here in Arkansas, I don't think we have any statues Virgina Gal
Nanny sometimes I think I need to sit under a tree and guard the yard with a shotgun,,I swear!
We're light on chemicals. We feed the birds, and I'd hate to poison them.
Have a good weekend.
My neighbour sprayed his front yard with round up on purpose, because he wanted to re-sod it. I didn't know this at the beginning, and when it started to die, I talked to him and he told me what he had done. SO, as luck would have it we had just had our lawn fertilized by a company. When they finish they leave a sign on your lawn with their name on it.
I took their sign and I put it on my neighbours dead lawn LOL...now it looks like the company killed his lawn. I am so easily amused.
We have a lot of wild flowers in our garden and they are definitely allowed their way. Like the new look, Brenda.
The only time I use weed killer is to get rid of the dandelions and the stuff in the driveway.
Although it could be handy for writing a message in the grass of someone you don't particularly like, now couldn't it?
I can be a devious little stinker sometimes.
You have more problems keeping your yard from dying dont you? The farm next door, the Man right there...Call a sod company and have it sodded, and then paste the bill on the remote!
Looks just like my back yard. Yep, and I did it myself. :(
This is funny - the classic battle of the sexes continues.
The lawn looks kinda like an ariel view of a golf course.
I wonder if there was some diesel in that sprayer. Diesel is much cheaper than roundup and smells better too.
I just use the weedeater.
What's a sand briar? Regional?
They're little tiny stickers that hide out in the grass. Not noticeable until little bare feet run across and start yelling,,OUCH.
Oh your poor husband!!
I (painfully) remember some thingies that we called bullheads/Goat's Head/stickers like that. They had a pair of tiny horns.
These things?
He's not going to like you taking away his tv remote ROFL ;-)
I'm not sure jimbob, I don't remember if the flower is yellow because we try to kill them before the flowering stage. They don't grow tall, just in little patches, and really aren't very noticable until you step on one with bare feet. Evil little buggars and I reckon the wind must carry the seeds cause we fight them every year.
These husbands can really mess up a lawn. I had a good friend give me a ginko tree and I treasured it dearly but ole hubby sprayed it with roundup and I was mad at him for days on end.
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