If a person owns a piece of land do they own it all the way down to the core of the earth?
Why can't women put on mascara with their mouth closed?
Is it possible to brush your teeth without wiggling your ass?
Why are they called stairs inside but steps outside?
If croutons are stale bread, why do they come in airtight packages?
Why does mineral water that 'has trickled through mountains for centuries have a 'use by' date?
Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a horrible crisp no one would eat?
Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, 'I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here and drink whatever comes out'?
If the professor on Gilligan's Island can make a radio out of a coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat?

hee hee, funny, this sounds like one of those funny forwards one gets off and on again. I love these things!
I taught myself to keep my mouth closed when putting on mascara so I didn't look like a drooling idiot. :)
Also, I always wondered why croutons have a use by date. It's stale bread!
Love the entry! :)
I can't answer the rest of them but I CAN answer the one about toasters, lol! We had a very dear elderly uncle who loved to have black-burnt toast with a tablespoon of vegetable oil spread on it every morning for breakfast. I kid you not. The first time I watched him prepare this mess my eyes must've popped out of my head, haha! But he lived to be 99 years old so he must've been doing something right! ;-)
"Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, 'I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here and drink whatever comes out'?"
Oh dear. I think I hurt myself. Fabulous list!
That is something to ponder..
If a person owns a piece of land do they own it all the way down to the core of the earth?
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