My back is telling me that I bit off more than it could handle so far today so I'm taking a little break before getting back to tormenting it a bit more. I also have to get in the right frame of mind before 3:40 p.m. which is when the school bus rumbles into the driveway and deposits Zach with his back-pack full of homework. James told me the other day, by the time this child graduates from high school, I'm going to be the smartest Nanaw in the state,, maybe in the whole country!
I wonder if they give monetary prizes for that?
I started the day by going to town because I was nearly out of cigarettes, gas, and toilet paper. I made it home with 5 bags of groceries, including the cigarettes, and toilet paper. I hope I have enough gas to make it to the ball game tomorrow night. I think I will if I don't forget to stop to buy it while I'm in that direction, again.
Anyway, I loaded the bags in the truck and unloaded them at home and as I was climbing those 3 porch steps, with all 5 bags (cause I hate making a bunch of trips)I felt/heard this crunch noise in my back and a sharp little pain. It only lasted a nano second so after putting away all that stuff I decided that today was the day to move the computer, printer, and scanner over to the new desk that's been sitting and waiting in my little office since some time in March. I've also done a couple of loads of laundry.
Damn, I feel constructive today.
The back has stiffened up in definate protest now but so far is not paining me so much. I reckon it's just waiting until I try to get out of the bed in the morning and then it'll kick my ass.
I might mention that this office still looks like an atomic weapon exploded in here. Where did all this
stuff come from?
TaganaiTranslated, "TAGANAI" means "Moon Holder", and comes from a range of mountains which separate Russia from Siberia. After years of searching, Dreamcast Entertainment has brought the best acts from all over Russia to the United States for the first time to perform this perfect mixture of circus and theatre.
The shows true magic comes alive with it's mysterious acts and elaborate costumes all accompanied by a beautiful original musical score. TAGANAI's constantly unfolding story will make this the fastest 80 minutes you have ever spent in a theater.
I finally remembered to reserve tickets to take Zach to see this show over at the Gold Strike Casino on the 28th. I saw a preview of the show on one of the Memphis morning news programs and decided that this would be a great beginning of summer treat for Zach and myself. With gas prices as they are, it may be the only treat we have this summer!