Tuesday, September 08, 2009

A Waste of Time

I've been thinking for some time now about some of the problems going on in this great country of ours and I spent quite some time doing research so that I'd have all the facts to support my opinions.

I've decided now that it's all just a waste of time because, if the truth be known, the citizens in this great country of ours could not get together and agree on anything if their lives, or even their children's lives depended on it.

For every truth one finds 20 untruths and, as often is the case, it doesn't seem to be about if something read, or said, is the truth or not, but it's whoever can protest, yell, and holler, or afford the cheesiest television ads who gets noticed and who is eventually believed by a whole lot of people who don't know any better.

And you know something else that is so sad? The conservatives who expressed this terrible fear over the past week that the president's address to our students would be used to push a partisan political agenda, that's what.

Friends, we shouldn't worry about what terrorists might do to our country. We're well on the road to destroying it ourselves.


kimberly said...
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kimberly said...

i read you loud and clear miss brenda.....been feeling the same frustration!!!!! and you said it so very well....every single word ......amen!!!!

bichonpawz said...

Could not have said it better myself...good job sister!!

Jeanette said...

Well said and so true!

Anonymous said...

Brenda, my mother and I were just sitting around the dinner table talking the same talk. It's scarey and ugly and just plain stupidity ...and I'm afraid there is no answer... it is what it is. We're thinking of moving to Canada or Europe :-( Great post.

Sally said...

Hear, hear. I read a really good article this morning about the "speech"; if I can find it will email to you.

I'm sad for all of us.

Virginia Gal said...

Yes our politics has gotten so divisive lately than ever before - what a shame.

I work about two miles from the school that Obama did his speech from, it was way cool, cops lining the streets everywhere!

Sally said...

Speaking of a waste of time: I am spending WAY too much time on the computer. I'm thinkin' of robbing a bank, and hiring a maid!! :)

Oh wait, maybe I shouldn't have said that - the FEDS will probably break down my door.

Jeanne said...

Perfectly said Miz Brenda!

jazzi said...

I'm with you. I can't believe people got so worked up because the President was going to speak to school children.