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Whats UP down South

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Are they working on blogspot this weekend or something? This posting screen sure looks mighty strange today.

The other day, when Jerri and I, with the Chicklets, went to Forrest City, we spotted a sight that we see quite a lot of down here in the south. It was one of those Hooptie cars, or what I call a Hooptie anyway, This one was a late 60's, early 70's, convertible that the guy had painted a spring grass green and he'd installed some of those flashy spinning hubs as well as some hydraulic hop kits. There's no doubt that the parts he used to fancy up his ride were worth about 5 times, or more, than the cost of the car. The Chick really took a shine to it and had fun watching the dude hop his car around at the redlight. Does everyone have these Hoopties in their area?

Jerri was telling me about a conversation she had with the Chick the other day and I had to laugh. The girls had been so clingy that Jerri even had to sweep with Jillian hanging on her leg and she told them, "Please act like normal kids and go to your room to play and watch TV for awhile." Alexis looked up at her and said, "But we're not normal Momma, elderly people call us young!" I reckon that child will be getting her drivers license in the next year or so. Ha!

Jami was here yesterday with her girls. MeriKate brought her certificate to show me that she'd been chosen as Student of the Month. She's doubly proud of this since last year she didn't take to school too kindly. All three of the girls made the honor roll the first 9 weeks so everything is good there.

I'm going to go take a nap now. See ya'll later!
Posted by Brenda :: 11/12/2006 01:19:00 PM :: 7 Comments:  

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Friday, November 10, 2006

Just a lazy old broad this week

But I'm finally getting around to posting something.

Jerri sent these to me today.

The pup in the photo with Jillian is our St. Bernard neighbor and she's directly responsible for this aching back I been sporting. She slipped up behind me while I was bent over in the garden one day and I ended up lying on my back cursing a blue streak. The second photo is how the Chick and Jilly Beans looked when they arrived yesterday to go to Forrest City with me. A dinner of chinese food and a little candy on the way home changed the look somewhat.

I can't WAIT till Thanksgiving when all our babies will be together in one place again. I love those group photos of em!

I better adios for now, it's a'thunderin out there and sounds like it's coming closer. We've had two days of near 80 temps.
Posted by Brenda :: 11/10/2006 07:42:00 PM :: 12 Comments:  

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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Civic Duty

I did it.
It's done.
I voted.

Zach's doctor's appointment went well, the doctor is going to try him on medication for the ADHD but not of the stimulating sort. He's to take Strattera (one of the newer meds) for 2 weeks and then we'll return for evaluation to see if this stuff might work. I'm as nervous as 'ho' in church on Sunday but I promise, I'll be watching for any and all signs of trouble. Doc Bell said he'd be around, except for a few days at deer camp, over the next two weeks if I should need to grill him any more. He's lucky I didn't ask him where he'd be hunting. Ha!

And while I was at the doctor's office anyway, I threw caution to the wind and took a flu shot for the first time in around 36 years. When we lived in England all those years ago, we had to be inoculated for everydangedthing, every year, and every year I'd be sick enough, for two weeks, that I thought I was dying. After coming back to the states I avoided those flu shots like the plague and only had the flu 2 or 3 times in all those years. This thing I have with my heart has made me reconsider though and after finding out they no longer inoculate with a live virus, I let them stick me. If I get sick and die from the inoculation, ya'll sue em for me and have a blogger party, ok?

Hope ya'll are having a nice evening!
Posted by Brenda :: 11/07/2006 09:54:00 PM :: 15 Comments:  

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Monday, November 06, 2006

Hope I'm not boring ya'll.

If ya'll get tired of these posts with the photo links, please let me know, ok? Not much has been going on around here other than the usual. I see the babies when I can and enjoy watching them play, help with that neverending homework, and PUT up with a big lump that is spending way too much time at home in his recliner lately.

The other day, Jazzi, posted a piece about a Ginkgo tree at her work and it gave me the urge to go out and hunt one up for a couple of photos before I missed the show here. I found both trees in West Helena and was able to get a little closer to the second one so the shape of the leaves shows up better. They're such a riot of bright yellow in the Autumn and I love to see their show during this time of the year.

I thought I'd also put a link to the first shot I took at the old railroad track so you could see what I thought was so odd about it. The more I look at the photos, the more I think that it wasn't my focusing that caused the blur, but just what the cause is, is beyond me.

I took this shot of an old barn that day we rambled also.

On Sunday some of the babies visited and enjoyed playing outdoors for a bit after dinner.

Tomorrow, Zach has another doctor's appointment and I need to get the tags for James's truck so it'll be a pretty busy day.

I hope everyone's enjoying their week!
Posted by Brenda :: 11/06/2006 08:49:00 PM :: 12 Comments:  

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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Razorbacks Get No Respect!

I had to watch that Razorback football team on television last night and root them on even though they couldn't hear my armchair coaching strategies through the TV screen. They sure played a great game to get no more respect than they do in the rankings. The win against SC last night brings their overall stats to 8-1 and their Southeastern Conference play to 5-0.

Take a look at this and tell me why they're only ranked 12th here.

Florida 6-1 8-1
Tennessee 3-2 7-2
Kentucky 3-3 5-4
Georgia 3-4 6-4
South Carolina 3-4 5-4
Vanderbilt 1-5 4-6
Arkansas 5-0 8-1
Auburn 5-1 9-1
LSU 3-2 7-2
Alabama 2-4 6-4
Mississippi State 1-5 3-7
Mississippi 1-5 3-7

I reckon everyone's waiting around to see if the Hogs can keep up the pace against the next three, tough, teams they have to meet up with this month. They still have to tangle with Tennessee, Mississippi State, and LSU. Maybe if they can continue their winning streak through these teams SOMEBODY will sit up and take notice. Ya think?
Posted by Brenda :: 11/05/2006 08:28:00 AM :: 8 Comments:  

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Friday, November 03, 2006

Lazy Afternoon

Jami dropped Krysten off around 7 this morning to spend the day with us and James didn't work all day, so when he and Zach decided to take the bird dogs out for a little hunting, Krysten and I took a little drive to take photos of the fall foliage.

I took this opportunity to inquire as to her career inclination and she told me, "Yes, she knows what a serial killer is,,they kill people", but she's changed her mind and has now decided to be a witch,,, but not one of those who has a green face!

A hop and a skip from home we stopped to snap a shot of these horses who seemed to be enjoying the sunny, cool day. We turned off our road after a bit and crossed over the highway to mosey down another gravel road to see how much color we could find. I stopped atop an old railroad track to take a couple of shots looking north. Look closely at this shot, do you see the blurry spot way down the tracks there? I didn't notice that until I was downloading the photos and was wondering what was up with my focusing, but when I checked out the second photo I took, it had that same hazy blur in the same spot. None of the shots I took before and after those showed a problem with the lens or anything so now I'm wondering what was up there. Odd.

We turned down another road that ran along part of Crowley's Ridge and poked along till we came to Lost Road. I have no idea why it's named that other than it can be a pretty spooky looking road at night or on a dark and cloudy day. Parts of it seem to be carved through part of the ridge because as you drive along you look to either side and the tree roots are sitting atop banks which are higher than the truck, and their roots are exposed there. You can sort of see this in the photo.

Everywhere we looked there were obvious signs that Autumn had arrived in our little spot in the Mississippi River delta and was giving us a flash of it's colors before leading us into winter.
Posted by Brenda :: 11/03/2006 07:00:00 PM :: 11 Comments:  

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Thursday, November 02, 2006

I survived!

I'm pretty pooped but my day of being surrounded, and out-numbered 6 to 1, by the kiddies went pretty durned well. They all behaved themselves, except for Zach, and he just can't seem to comprehend why little girls don't care so much for wrestling and being body slammed.

I'm thinking that my bed is going to feel mighty fine tonight.
Posted by Brenda :: 11/02/2006 06:44:00 PM :: 10 Comments:  

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Just some more stuff

I've been having these big ol pangs of guilt for most of the afternoon cause Jethro went all floatey and joined that big aquarium in the sky. It wouldn't be bothering me so much except that I've been slightly ungracious about having to clean his nasty little home a few times already, even after saying to the other humans in this house, that Jethros were NOT my responsibility.

I wonder if I put too much of that water purifier in there the last time I cleaned that thing?


Didn't the month of October pass in a flash? Just when I get the hang of writing the 10th month on everything, it's another month and I have to start all over again!


The other day while sitting in that doctor's office waiting, the girls and Zach were being almost angelic by sitting quietly while watching The Grinch That Stole Christmas movie. Then Krysten turned her little head and looked at her mom and I and said, "I want to be a serial killer when I grow up."

I gotta tell you, for the first time in my life, I was totally speechless! 6 of the kiddy crew will be in my care tomorrow because school's out and the parents have doctor's appointments, so I'm going to try to get Krysten alone so I can ask her if she knows what a serial killer is. I think they've been watching too many of those scarey movies!
Posted by Brenda :: 11/01/2006 09:52:00 PM :: 7 Comments:  

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