Near 'bout floating here. This is how it looks in my front yard after it rained 5 inches in just under an hour. (about 20 minutes ago) . That stream over on the far side of that bare tree there has a road under it. The back yard looks like a lake too.
We have the same stuff here, it's been such an inpredicable year, one minute it's raining and the next the sun comes out. Let's not even talk about all the tornado warnings..oy..
Hope you are feeling better, I was thinking about you today.
inpredictable I think not, unpredictable yes.
Man! Looks a bit wet there! We finally got rid of the rain, and now we have the HEAT! so watch out. IT's coming.
You know it's wet when you can launch small ships from your yard!
Five inches in an hour! I shall immediately stop complaining about the feeble by comparison rainfall we've been having! Hope you're not in any danger of flooding.
Yikes! But once the heat kicks in it'll probably dry up but good. No crops got ruined did they?
We know for sure that 1600 acres of soy beans are gone. They're under 4 to 5 ft of water from the 6 inches of rain they got down on the farm the other day.
That's a lot of rain. I guess it means you're stuck at home for a while.
or maybe not.
No wonder you've been feeling "Arthur" lately.
Wait. That doesn't sound good.
You know what I mean!
Whoa!! It's crazy everywhere. Take care, Ms. Brenda.
You know, I bet if I actually called you "Noah's Wench" you would kick me in the jewels...
I'll send you our heat :) I really don't want it here ;-)
Well, we got a shit-pile of baseball-sized hail. That would have done a number on all your purdy fleurs.
Holy cats! Hope you didn't get any basement flooding!
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