It's Challenge time! I don't have much to offer for this challenge cause everything left over from my childhood was lost in the fire we had a decade ago, but I was able to think up a few things so that I could do a post. I can't wait to see how everyone interpreted this challenge. Be sure to hop over to our
Photo Challenge Blog and scroll down to the links at the bottom of the entry and check out everyone's photos!
Lto R, Terri, Paula, Me, 1965 |
My sisters and I were fortunate enough to live across the dirt lane from our grandparents for a lot of our growing up years. We didn't have many toys but we sure knew how to have fun wandering around out in the country. We built log huts in the woods, waded Hog Tusk Creek, and knew which grape and muscadine vines were safe for swinging on (even though sometimes they weren't!). In the summer I used to ride my bike the mile to the tiny town of Moro to meet the Bookmobile every two weeks and spent a lot of my time high up in an old Oak tree down the lane reading the day away.
Anyway, the challenge! I decided to take photos of some of the ways I entertained myself when I was a kid.
Do you remember McCall's Magazine? How about
Betsy McCall, the paper doll that appeared in the magazine every month with her clothes and a story for little girls? My grandma subscribed to McCalls and I would wait impatiently for her to finish reading it so I could tear out the page to play with Betsy.
I spent some of my play time drawing so my colored pencils were a favorite treasure.
I even spent some of my drawing time doing a little designing, like this. I think my 11 year old hands did a much better job than they do today though.
It didn't take a lot to keep us entertained when we were kids. We had a whole lot of imagination and a lot of room to roam. What could be better?
I hope y'all had fun!!
Brenda , I remember the paper dolls and I had some myself. I too haven't anything left from my childhood as I never thought of possessing myself of old playthings when I got married and went to live in Italy. In anyway I still have the beautiful memories... and those are precious.
Thanks for another great challenge.
enjoying your childhood memories Brenda. what a good idea for a challenge. I also remember sitting in trees reading the summer holidays away. It sounds like you had a great childhood!
Oh my Word!! I use to LOVE "designing" and would spend hours drawing the models and dresses! You STILL can draw a mean model Miz Brenda!! Cool!
Hey, you did great on this! Wow, I haven't thought of Betsy in years. Whenever we had the magazines given to us, I would faithfully cut out Betsy and her clothes. Can you imagine girls today being interested in paper dolls? No way! But we grew up in a much simpler time - thank goodness! Crayons and colored pencils kept us busy and creative. No batteries were required! Thanks for the trip down memory lane!
P.S. And it was so cool to see a photo of you as a youngster! Pretty!
What a heart warming post.I played a bit with the dolls with a cousin and lived for arrival of the bookmobile.
The tavern I posted retained the original owners name. I laughed when I saw it as an adult and hope to tip one to my grandfather.He drank coffee and read the paper in the morning,went to work and returned to his paper at the end of the day.I drank lots of pop and ate candy there when I would visit in the summer and goo to work with him.
Great memories, Brenda. It doesn't surprise me that you spent time in a tree reading! Love the photo; pretty girls all three of you! :)
How could I forget paper dolls? Yes, I played with them endlessly!! Great memories!
I've been rather awol from the blog world for a bit, but just caught up on your posts. Wow, Zach is so much bigger now! I couldn't agree more about the family thing, sometimes you can't say or do anything right with them, no matter how hard you try.
Thinking of you!
Brenda...I remember having paper dolls. I loved them. This was a fun challenge, a walk down memory lane.
Morning Girl! Just checking on's the 14th...
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