I have decided to try to get back into a routine again and blogging has always been a wonderful pastime for me so I'll begin here. My mind remains scattered and torn so I thought The Simple Woman's Daybook would allow me a huge nudge to get my words and thoughts flowing again. So, thank you Peggy for your help! FOR TODAY
Outside my window...
The sun is shining and it seems to be telling us to get ready for a very warm day. The Mimosa trees are blooming and the birds are chirping with all different accents. I can hear a little tinkle now and then from one of the few wind chimes that are hanging here and there outdoors.
I am thinking...
of how disjointed I feel since our lives were changed in such a huge way when we lost James last September. I don't think I quite know what to do with myself or what's in store for us as we take on this different path in our lives.
I am thankful...
for my grandson, Zach. I don't know what I would do without him being here with me. He gives me fits most days but helps to keep me living every day! And for my daughter, Jami, who calls me every day,,,sometimes more,,, just to see how we are and to tell us she loves us, and for coming home as often as she can to help us do things around the house and to just BE here. I am also thankful for the health and happiness of the 3 granddaughters who enjoy visiting me as well as the 4 who don't seem to. I love them all anyway.
In the kitchen...
I'm sure there are a few dishes waiting to be washed but also a happy view through my kitchen window. Pot pies are probably on the menu for supper.
I am wearing...
A yellow nite shirt with little orange and yellow flowers, a pair of sleep shorts, and my crock sandals. I might get dressed later.
I am creating...
a small vegetable garden and little else except for scattered thoughts.
I am going...
to the school, to the bank, and maybe drive to town to go to the grocery store.
I am wondering...
If I will ever stop missing James so much. If my oldest daughter and my son will ever allow us to be a family again.
I am reading...
Zombie Fallout 2
I am hoping...
That one day my kids will decide they've punished me enough for whichever wrongs I've done and that we need to be a family again.
I am looking forward to...
Memorial Day weekend when my daughter, Jami, and her man, Chris, will be here again. Hopefully I'll see Meri, Krysten, and Abby that weekend too.
I am learning,,,,,
that no matter what you do, or say, believe, or want, you can't do everything right or sometimes ANYTHING right.
Around the house...
We'll be painting the living/dining area, hallway, Zach's bedroom and bathroom Memorial Day weekend.
I am pondering...
everything and anything.
A favorite quote for today...
"Beauty isn't worth thinking about; what's important is your mind. You don't want a fifty-dollar haircut on a fifty-cent head." ~Garrison Keillor
One of my favorite things...
is my Kindle.
A few plans for the rest of the week:
Vacuum, dust, work in the garden, mow a little.
A peek into my day...
Corn growing beside our yard, and across the road, Winter wheat ready for harvest. |
Good to hear from you again, buddy! Hope your week is going good. I am jealous that getting dressed is optional for you during the week!
Well, Well lookie Here!! You're Back! Love your post sweet friend and have missed them!
Also love your photos!
Enjoy the view out your kitchen window...It looks Just Like my sister's window...
Bless you, ((((((Brenda)))))) <<-- those are hugs!!
I'm glad you're putting one foot in front of the other. It's so hard ... I know ...
Your grandbabies are a testament to the love that you shared with James ... he gave you someone to hang on to when he couldn't be there anymore.
Make sure your grandkids know about their grandfather. The memories are stronger when they get shared and passed along.
So nice to hear from you, I think the blogging should be relaxing.You have a great selection of. friends
I am SO sorry that things aren't right with B&T; had an inkling but didn't know for sure. It's a shame in and of itself, but the grandkids miss you; I am sure! And, they should not be kept from you no matter what. That's just my opinion. I hope that doesn't offend you by my saying that.
Thank God for Zach, Jamie and the girls. Having no idea at all what you're going through, Brenda, I can only pray that each day gets a little better. I know it's hard; it has to be. But, you are a STRONG woman and God will help you!
I love you. ((hugs))
I'm back. :)
Just LOVE your header, and wish I could visit in your kitchen with you and give you lots of hugs.
That's all.
Hi there Brenda!!! SOOO happy to see you posting again!! The view out your kitchen window is not so different from mine! I look at farm land across from our house and all behind our house. It must be very difficult to know where to turn, but I am so very glad you have your daughter and grandchildren there with you!! I wish I could come and sit in your kitchen and just grab a coffee and give you some hugs! We all love you Brenda!! xo
I think that the regular journaling will help give you further stability. There is something magical about taking one's thoughts and committing them to a written word. It tends to settle down the internal chatter for a while and gives you focus. I hope you keep at it!
Glad to see you posted again. I understand how hard it is to get started again when everything you knew...changes! Thinking of you.
I am glad you are blogging again, because I am !! :) Yeah... yeah... I know I have done it before...left..quit and everything else... but, I am back to stay !! :)
Sorry to hear about the family stuff. We have it in our family as well. I know, it doesn't make it any easier. You got any beans planted ? All of the beans around here have either dried up or haven't been planted yet because the lack of rain !! :)
Here is my new home: http://alphabeticallyincorrect.blogspot.com/. Come visit me !! :)
Dawn from facebook !!
I'm sorry for the feelings and hardships you are having to deal with.
Have fun this weekend with your family and painting. Be sure and share some before and after pics with us! I'm sure I'll paint something before this weekend is over!
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