The Chick and Jillian brought their Mommy over for a little visit this afternoon also. Ms. Jillian has been feeling poorly this past week or so but today was a bit perkier,,if we could just get her to take her formula, she takes a few pulls from the bottle then turns her little pug nose up at it.
After supper I was sitting at the table talking to Jerri for a bit before getting to the clean up and suddenly I just felt so damned tired and weak. I even had to sack out on the couch for about an hour before turning on the dishwasher. Not sure what's up with that but I sure hope it's not that danged ole chicken flu that folks in the news keep gandering on about. I'm not sure what the symptoms are but I bet it includes growing feathers and laying eggs and stuff and I know for sure I'm too tired for all that.
I sure hope you and little Jillian are going to be okay. Oh, the terrorist will continue to "believe" for Nanaw; that's what kids do best; pretend. At least that's what we did as children and until we were about TWENTY. :)
I hope you're feeling better by now. And good luck with the remainder of your shopping.
Its probably a case of caring about too many people, honestly it sounds like you rarely get proper rest. I say for the New Year, you and hubby head off for a well deserved vacation, perhaps Jamaica or the Bahamas?
Some days are just like that without explanation. Hope it is not the bird flu. Heck I don't even know what that is all about. Guess I need to start listening to the news again.
Sometimes your body just goes on strike whenever it has to have some rest! Lets hope that's what it was instead of the chicken flu. We don't need you laying eggs.
Sure hope you aren't getting sick. My mother in law SWEARS by this when she starts feeling bad. Buy 3 cans of frozen welch's regular grape juice. Each day for three days you drink one can. Supposed to help because of the antioxidents or something. I couldn't tell you if it works or not because my family always drinks all the grape juice before I get to it!
Get some rest! Hope you are better soon!
Hope you're feeling better today, Brenda.
Take it as easy as you can (which is hard this time of year) -- don't want you sick at Christmas (or anytime, for that matter).
If you start getting dry farts and little fluffy feathers fly out, then I'd be a little worried. Especially if you start scratching around the kitchen floor.
Any word from Monkey Nuts????
Hum... eggs and feathers, cluking! I think you need to call gost busters! :-)My blog post is not working? Have you had problems?
Ms. Brenda,
I'm thinking you need a little rest. Turn on the TV, put your feet up, and cluck the rest.
Any news on the camera front?
Maybe you and Miss Jillian are suffering from the same ailment. Although that not taking the bottle sounds a bit like a sore throat.
You take care of yourself Bren. I know your family needs you but if you get sick, who's gonna take care of YOU?!
I hope you and baby are both feeling better by now.
You must be sick, cuz you haven't posted for two days!! Get BETTER!!!!! *sends healing thoughts Brenda's way*
I'll send you the medicine you need for your flu ;-) but I hope you feel better by the time it arrives
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